Prisoner swap with US done with "humanitarian motives"

In an interview with CNN, Iranian president Ebrahim Raeisi said that the recent prisoner swap between Iran and the United States was done absolutely for humanitarian reasons.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi told CNN in an interview that the five Americans freed this week from Iranian detention were released with “purely humanitarian motives."

"There was an opportunity for this exchange to take place. This exchange, as I said, was done with purely humanitarian motives, and I think that the realization (exchange) was something that made the families of the prisoners happy," the Iranian president said.

Regarding the released funds by the US, Raeisi said that these funds belong to the Iranian nation adding that, "Naturally, when these funds are returned, they should be spent on purposes that meet the needs of the Iranian people."

The president arrived in New York Monday at the head of a political delegation.

This is the second time that Raeisi has been to New York to address the UN General Assembly. He addressed the UNGA last night.

The president has held meetings with his counterparts in addition to the UN Secretary-General so far.

News ID 196104


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