OANA calls for protection of journalists in Gaza conflict

The Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) has emphasized the crucial importance of the safety of journalists operating in the field in the Gaza conflict.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Organization said it is deeply concerned about the safety of the journalists working in the region.

The full text of the statement follows:

The ongoing conflict between the Zionist regime and Palestinians in Gaza has reached a level that threatens the safety of journalists in the region. As journalists, we have been the target of grave violence for simply conducting our journalistic duty with great devotion despite all the difficulties we face. There is no excuse for being victimized by such an action which is also truly breaching human rights and international law.

As OANA we affirm our commitment to fight for the safety and security of all journalists and consider the sanctity of their lives indispensable.

OANA is deeply concerned about the safety of the journalists working in the region.

OANA emphasizes the crucial importance of the safety of journalists operating in the field for all respected news alliances and urges all institutions and organizations to take the highest measures to ensure the safety of journalists.

News ID 196301


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