Official announcement of end of UN Security Council sanctions against Iran

Secretariat of the United Nations Security Council, by sending a note to the member states of the United Nations, officially ends the provisions of clauses 3, 4 and 6 of Annex B of Resolution 2231, including missile tests, restrictions on the export and import of missile items to Iran, as well as sanctions related to confiscation of property and providing financial services to Iranian individuals and institutions under the sanctions of the Security Council has informed the countries.

According to the provisions of Appendix B of Resolution 2231, these restrictions continued for 8 years after the implementation of the JCPOA (October 18, 2023), which finally ended automatically at midnight last night New York time.

The cancellation of the mentioned restrictions takes place while in recent years, extensive political and legal efforts have been made by the United States and Western countries to accuse and build a consensus in the international community in order to lay the groundwork for the continuation of these sanctions, which finally with the political and legal failure of Western countries to restore the previous resolutions of the Security Council, the said restrictions were officially terminated.

In addition, the mentioned changes have been applied at 12:00 midnight on the United Nations website and the integrated list of United Nations sanctions.

Ms. Rosemary A DiCarlo, the UN Under Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs also confirmed in a separate letter addressed to the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran the termination of the mentioned regulations and the withdrawal of Iranian individuals and institutions from the list of the Security Council.

Other international sanctions of the Security Council against the Islamic Republic of Iran had already been terminated on the day of implementation of the JCPOA and subsequently the restriction on conventional and light weapons according to the resolutions of the Security Council in October 2020.

With the lifting of the remaining restrictions on October 18, 2023, all sanctions related to Iranian individuals and entities at the United Nations have been terminated.

It should be noted that despite the finalization of the termination of these restrictions, the Western countries yesterday in a media effort and by issuing a statement of a limited group of aligned countries tried to doubt the finalization of the said process, which finally issued an official note of the United Nations, on the termination the mentioned restrictions have been approved.

The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has announced in an official statement that it considers the claim of the United States and European countries to continue these restrictions on national capacity despite the termination of international restrictions as a violation of Article 25 of the United Nations Charter.

Although international observers consider the nature of relations and military cooperation of the Iranian government to continue these restrictions on the national capacity of Western countries as a purely symbolic action.

The following is the full text of letter by Ms. Rosemary A DiCarlo:

REFERENCE: S/AC.58/2023/OC.14

19 October 2023


I have the honour to refer to paragraph 7 (b) of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)

and the restrictive measures set out in paragraphs 3, 4 and 6 (c) and (d) of Annex B to that resolution. Pursuant to these provisions, the measures would apply until the date eight years after Adoption Day of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or until the date on which the International Atomic Energy Agency submits a report confirming the Broader Conclusion that all nuclear material in Iran remains

in peaceful activities, whichever is earlier. As Adoption Day occurred on 18 October 2015 and no report confirming the Broader Conclusion was submitted, this eight-year period ended on 18 October 2023.

As a consequence, in connection with paragraphs 6 (c) and (d), the Secretariat removed on

19 October 2023 from the Security Council website the list of 23 individuals and 61 entities subject to the aforementioned restrictive measures. Corresponding changes were made to the United Nations Security Council Consolidated List. The updated version of the Consolidated List is accessible at the following URL:

I remain at your disposal should you need clarification on any issue pertaining to this matter. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Rosemary A. DiCarlo Under Secretary-General

for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

His Excellency

Mr. Amir Saeid Iravani

Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations

News ID 196304


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