Iran envoy’s letter to UNSC refutes ‘baseless’ US accusation

Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nation, Amir Saeid Iravani has rejected as baseless the recent US accusation regarding Yemen, saying the Islamic Republic has always emphasized the peaceful resolution of the crisis in Yemen through diplomatic channels.

According to IRNA, Iravani in separate letters to the UN Secretary General and the President of the Security Council once again clarified Iran’s stance on the situation in Yemen and responded to another claim recently made by the United States.  

The following is the letter from the Iranian envoy to the UN:  

          Further to our previous communications including letters dated 15 January, 19 February,18 March, and 15 May 2024, (S/2024/64- S/2024/175- 5/2024/244- 5/2024/389), I wish to respond to yet another allegation made by the representative of the United States against my Country in the UN Security Council's open briefing on the situation in Yemen held on 13 June 2024 under the agenda item of the situation in the Middle East (S/2024/9654). It is regretful that the US representative, as is the US’ typical behavior, abused the Security Council platform to accuse other sovereign states.
            The Islamic Republic of Iran unequivocally rejects these unfounded allegations. On numerous occasions, Iran has made it clear that it is committed to the Security Council's relevant resolutions on the situation in Yemen and has not been engaged in activities in contravention of these resolutions. Instead, Iran consistently advocates for the peaceful resolution of the Yemen crisis through diplomatic channels and underscores its dedication to maritime security and freedom of navigation.
           The United States and its coalition partners have committed and continue to commit acts of aggression against Yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity, blatantly violating international law, the UN Charter, and pertinent Security Council resolutions. These egregious violations jeopardize regional peace and stability and obstruct efforts toward achieving a peaceful resolution in Yemen, exacerbating the already dire humanitarian crisis gripping the nation. The United States is fully responsible for these egregious violations. It cannot deny its responsibility. Therefore, using failed tactics and spreading lies and misinformation campaigns about the situation in Yemen cannot justify or legitimize the United States' aggression against Yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
             I would be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council.

             Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration

News ID 197845

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