Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami has said the objections from the West have not hindered the Islamic Republic's progress in peaceful nuclear activities.

On the sidelines of the government cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Eslami spoke to the reporters, stating that the construction of nuclear power plants is on the agenda of most countries, emphasizing that according to existing laws and regulations, there are no obstacles to the Islamic Republic in this endeavor.

He also noted that the persistent harassment and opposition from three European countries and the United States have not succeeded in hindering Iran's progress on this issue.

“We have begun implementing the 20,000 megawatt electricity generation project, which is scheduled to be completed by 2024 as per the agreement. The projects are actively progressing and will continue to advance according to our planned timeline,” Eslami added.

Regarding the holding of the military drill around the Natanz nuclear site, he said, “In this air defense exercise, our armed forces demonstrated their capabilities to protect and defend the country's airspace.”

Eslami further stated, “In the coming days, we will conduct two additional military exercises focused on passive defense to demonstrate our maximum readiness capabilities.”

News ID 198883

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