Diplomat: UN lifts all limitations on Iran’s ballistic missiles

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani has said that all restrictions imposed on the Iranian individuals and entities mentioned in the UNSC 2231 resolution will be terminated and the list will be removed from the United Nations website as of today.

As of October 18, according to the UN Security Council Resolution 2231, all restrictions that were unfairly imposed on activities and transfers related to ballistic missiles to/from the Islamic Republic of Iran will end and Iran will no longer be subject to any restrictions within the framework of the UN Security Council, Bagheri Kani wrote on his X account on Wednesday.

All restrictive measures and sanctions imposed against Iran at the national or regional level should be terminated based on UNSCR 2231, he added.

Maintaining such restrictions or imposing new sanctions in this framework is a clear violation of the text and spirit of UNSC Resolution 2231.

According to the provisions of UNSCR 2231, which was issued about eight years ago, the restrictions imposed on Iran's ballistic missile activities will expire on October 18, 2023.

News ID 196286


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