Speaking to Khabar online, he emphasized that the Syrian crisis is the result of a trifecta of causes: domestic, regional, and international.“The crisis won’t be diffused just by inviting opposition members,” Royvaran said.
“Simply suggesting talks between the Syrian government and members of the opposition is denying the reality that international and regional elements are involved as well,” he said.
Acknowledging Russia’s recent hosting of the Syrian opposition, Royvaran criticized Moscow’s attempt to resolve the dilemma, saying it failed to include the Syrian government.
“Russia has done the same thing in Moscow--inviting some members of the opposition and such--but it didn’t result in anything,” he said. “That meeting was only between members of the Syrian opposition and a slew of foreign countries, rather than between the Syrian government and opposition spokespeople.”
Royvaran added: “Iran believes that the Syrian crisis has resulted from domestic and foreign causes. Thus, foreign elements can also have a presence at the Tehran conference, seeing how this crisis cannot be resolved with domestic groups alone.”