In separate statements released on Thursday, Grand Ayatollahs Hossein Nouri-Hamedani, Nasser Makarem-Shirazi, Ja’far Sobhani and Mohammad-Ali Alavi-Gorgani condemned the blasphemous film.
“We vehemently denounce the production of the film and we announce that Muslims will by no means remain silent on such evil acts, and the US should await stronger actions.” Ayatollah Nouri-Hamedani said.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi also condemned the blasphemous movie and called on all Muslims across the world to stage massive demonstrations on Friday to condemn the US-Zionist act.
“This heinous and disgraceful act proves that they (the US and the Zionists) are dreading the awakening of the Muslim world and the spread of this divine religion (Islam) across the globe; therefore, they resort to any foolish act, which will certainly backfire,” he added.
Ayatollah Sobhani condemned the sacrilegious film and said it is upon all Muslims in the world to react appropriately to the move so that the enemies would not repeat them.
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani also condemned the move and called on Muslims to remain vigilant against the enemy’s plots.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that the blasphemous movie has been produced by anti-Islam Israeli-American Sam Bacile.
The report added that, Bacile, a real estate developer, has assumed responsibility for the film, which he said was made thanks to Jewish donations totaling USD 5 million.
The anti-Islam movie has sparked outrage across the Muslim world.
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