“Since the September 11 [2001] incident, the criminal US has embarked on genocide in the Middle East countries and among the Muslims and to prepare the public opinion [for such a move], it has put on its agenda the production and publication of insulting movies,” Mohammad Hassan Asferi, member of the Iranian Majlis (parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said on Thursday.
“The media affiliated to [global] arrogance encourage the people to see this movie to present a terrorist image of Islam and Muslims in the world,” he added.
Asferi added that the recently published anti-Islam movie insulting Prophet Mohammad (PBHU) is one such instance demonstrating the “depth of US animosity” against divine religions and Islam in particular.
“The US and the international Zionism resort to insulting the religious sanctities to promote and spread hostilities against religions and Islamophobia in the world,” he said.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that the blasphemous movie, called Innocence of Muslims, has been produced by an anti-Islam Israeli-American. The film has reportedly been funded with 5 USD million from Jewish donors.
The anti-Islam movie has sparked outrage across the Muslim world.
The Iranian lawmaker said that Muslims sentiments will not allow such insulting measures to continue as Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) enjoys a lofty status among the world Muslims.
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